The Center of international Strategic Healthcare Research (CISHR) has been founded by the prominent scholars Prof. Ramazan ERDEM, Asst. Prof. Vahit YİGİT of Süleyman Demirel University, Assoc. Prof. Musa ÖZATA, Assoc. Prof. Yunus Emre ÖZTÜRK, Dr. Mehmet YORULMAZ and Lecturer Selami SEVEN of Selcuk University. Assoc. Prof. Sedat Bostan, Asst. Prof. Taşkın KILIÇ of Gumushane University, Asst. Prof. Ali YILMAZ of Kırıkkale University.
The purpose of CISHR is to conduct strategic researches on healthcare and medical issues. CISHR aims to share knowledge, critics, ideas and recommendations with decision makers, practitioners and other stakeholders.
We proudly declare that CISHR will contribute to advancing the statue of human health and well being. 15.03.2016
On behalf of the CISHR Board
Head of Management Board
Assoc. Prof. Musa ÖZATA
Center of International Strategic Healthcare Research